Project Outputs

Academic publications and news items about the Who’s Coding project.

Invited Talks

  • June 2022: Library as Laboratory Speaker Series, The Internet Archive

Conference Presentations

  • Miltner, K.M., Kadar-Satat, G., Ashton, E. (2023) “I worked so hard, and I still didn’t succeed: Coding Bootcamp Experiences of People With Disabilities”. AoIR2023: The 24th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers.

  • Miltner, K.M. (2022, May). Everyone Can Code? (Re)producing Inequalities at an American Coding Bootcamp. International Communication Association 72nd Annual Conference.

  • Miltner, K.M. (2020, October). Everyone Can Code? (Re)producing Inequalities at an American Coding Academy. Just Code: Power, Inequality, and the Global Political Economy of IT at the Charles Babbage Institute.

  • Miltner, K.M. (2020, May). American Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Schools in the Mid-Twentieth Century. International Communication Association 70th Annual Conference [Top Paper Award: Media Industry Studies Group].