Project Outputs
Academic publications and news items about the Who’s Coding project.
Podcast Appearances
Invited Talks
June 2022: Library as Laboratory Speaker Series, The Internet Archive
Conference Presentations
Miltner, K.M., Kadar-Satat, G., Ashton, E. (2023) “I worked so hard, and I still didn’t succeed: Coding Bootcamp Experiences of People With Disabilities”. AoIR2023: The 24th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers.
Miltner, K.M. (2022, May). Everyone Can Code? (Re)producing Inequalities at an American Coding Bootcamp. International Communication Association 72nd Annual Conference.
Miltner, K.M. (2020, October). Everyone Can Code? (Re)producing Inequalities at an American Coding Academy. Just Code: Power, Inequality, and the Global Political Economy of IT at the Charles Babbage Institute.
Miltner, K.M. (2020, May). American Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Schools in the Mid-Twentieth Century. International Communication Association 70th Annual Conference [Top Paper Award: Media Industry Studies Group].