The Research Team

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Dr. Kate M. Miltner

Dr. Kate M. Miltner is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Data, AI, and Society at the University of Sheffield. Previously, she was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie TRAIN@Ed Postdoctoral Fellow at The University of Edinburgh.

She received her PhD from the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California. She has a MSc in Media and Communications (Merit) from the London School of Economics and Political Science and received her BA in English (cum laude) from Barnard College, Columbia University.

Dr. Miltner has had research appointments in the Research department at Twitter and the Social Media Collective at Microsoft Research New England. She was a 2018 Joint Fellow at the UC Berkeley Center for Technology, Society and Policy and the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity. She was also a Guest Researcher at the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam from 2018-2019.

Dr. Miltner has published extensively on issues relating to the circulation of power within technical cultures and institutions, and her work has also been featured in a range of news outlets including Wired, Slate, The Atlantic, The Guardian, Time, and the BBC.


Dr. Gitit Kadar-Satat

Dr. Gitit Kadar-Satat is a Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology, the University of Warwick, where she leads the development and delivery of a comprehensive portfolio of placements, internships, and other work experience opportunities.

Before taking up this role in 2020, she worked at the University of Edinburgh Q-Step centre. Between 2015 and 2020, she led the development of the Q-Step centre placement programme and Q-Step Academy. She also taught research methods and developmental psychology at the foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Her research interests include: Social inequality in education and employment, Social inequality in Child and Adolescent development, Quantitative analysis of complex survey data, Longitudinal analysis, Mixed-methods. 

Current Research Assistant

Lauren Scorer

is a second year Psychology student at the University of Warwick. She joined the Who’s Coding research team through the Psychology Research Skills Development Scheme (PRSDS). Lauren is particularly interested in the areas of educational and developmental psychology. She has completed several short online courses on child psychology through the Open University.

Previous Research Assistants


Emily Ashton

Emily is a recent graduate in Psychology from the University of Warwick. During her degree, Emily completed several research projects, and is very interested in research related to health and social inequality. Emily completed an intercalated year during her degree, in which she studied at the University of California, Los Angeles, and built on her research skills as a research assistant at the Home Office. Following her work on the Who’s Coding project, Emily has moved on to work as both an Assistant Psychologist in the NHS and as a Research Officer at the Home Office.

Headshot of a smiling woman.

Beth Rounding

Beth Rounding is a recent graduate in Psychology from the University of Warwick. During her time at university she carried out several research projects, completed a short coding course and has published a range of articles in a psychological magazine. Following her role as a Research Assistant on the Who’s Coding project, Beth moved on to work as a Research Officer at the Office for National Statistics.


Monique Akinbile

Monique is a graduate in Psychology from the University of Warwick. Monique is experienced in survey research methods, and is particularly interested in cognitive computing technology. Monique also maintains a blog, Brain of Thought, which aims to create space filled with unique and engaging psychological content that applies a psychological perspective to everyday conundrums. Following her role as a Research Assistant on the Who’s Coding project, Monique took up a placement at GlaxoSmithKline.